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Business & Management

Although we live in a world of science, we also live in a social world where both worlds exist to help improve the society. It is not enough for technicians to create a product. What is required in this age is the ability to get the product across to the customers. Essentially Business Schools all over the world and for that matter KNUST School of Business exist to expose students to managerial skills   (accounting, management, directing, planning and controlling) and entrepreneurial skills ( risk-taking and how to start a business)

Alan Geare, Head, Department of Management, University of Otango made a statement that, ‘even if you end up as a surgeon, or rock-tennis-opera-movie star, your career will surely involve working in organisations’. He went on to state that ‘one would need good models about organisational behaviour, organisational theory, communication and industrial relations’. This lays credence to the fact that regardless of the area of one’s specialty in the field of pure science, there is the need to acquire business acumen so as to be able to perform well within one’s organisation. “As people grow in their professions, they end up as managers of their institutions.”

The School of Business plays this role of empowering these scientists with the requisite managerial skills. The School of Business services all Colleges with lectures on entrepreneurship. A platform is therefore provided to scientists to understand the essence of risk taking and start up their own businesses after school. In this fast-paced world with varying customer requirements, the scientist needs to identify the gaps in society, and take steps to create organisations that can fill these gaps with the aim to solve society’s needs.

The establishment of the School of Business has no doubt brought in its wake the flocking of professionals in the field of marketing and others to KNUST to interact with staff and students and this has had positive impact in the area of appreciating customer relations in the day to day dealings of the University.